Policy details

Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance policies from United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, a Mutual of Omaha Company, feature a number of benefits designed to fit your unique needs.

  • Guaranteed acceptance for applicants who are ages 45 to 85
  • No medical exams
  • No health questions
  • Up to $25,000 in coverage and benefits that won’t reduce due to your age or health
  • Premiums that won’t increase
  • Premiums starting at just $8.84 per month1
  • Spousal coverage if he or she is age 45 and 85
  • Majority of claims paid in 24 hours2

The Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance policy offered is set apart from other life insurance products in the marketplace by its included graded death benefit. If death occurs from natural causes (not accidental) during your policy's first two years, you will receive all premiums you paid plus 10 percent. Once the two-year period ends, you will receive the policy's full benefit.

  • A+
    A.M. Best Company, Inc.
  • A1
    Moody’s Investors Service
  • A+
    Standard & Poor’s

Independent Agency Rating(s) as of October 2023.

Ratings only refers to the overall financial status of the company and is not a recommendation of the specific policy provisions, rates or practices of the insurance company.